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Oct 10, 2024
In General Discussions
it is recorded in Psalm 2, in verses 2 and 3 .... "The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us." This has always been the main weapon used by the devil to attack the people of God. It is to keep the Church divided, spiritually, so that the power and authority that comes by spiritual agreement would not be achieved by the Church. The enemy achieves this by enticing the leaders of the world to officially endorse religion as a legitimate form of worshipping God. Therefore, the Democracies of the world encourage the practice of religion of the citizens" choice. So that in each country there exist several religions and many churches established so that people can be free to worship as they please. But then how can the church be in unity if there are different beliefs and teachings that are opposed to each other? God as ordained the existence of One Church, but religion has created the existence of several Churches. The problem is, with differences in beliefs, several "spirits" become influential in the lives of the Believers. Hence, there cannot be any spiritual agreement among the people of God. So, with no spiritual agreement, the church cannot operate in the power and authority it was ordained to exist by. It is evident this was the reason why the first century church was so successful and powerful. At that time, there were no religions to divide the church. The Believers at that time believed that they were sons of God. They believed that they were shaped into the image of Jesus Christ, as they surrendered their lives to Him. In all of the regions the believers took this gospel, all of the followers lived as sons of God. Therefore, the only spirit that dominated the church was the spirit of sonship. this was the nature and character of Jeus, the Son of God. There was spiritual agreement in the unified church of the first century. Now, today, the enemy had managed to infiltrate the minds of the churchgoers so that there are as many beliefs as there are believers. Therefore, the church has been placed in a weakened position where no spiritual agreement can bring us together, But God is going to gather His people to form one body of Christ and therefore, a return of the spirit of sonship would knit the believers into oneness by the same Spirit which was in charge in the first century. Being a son of God would have the same meaning as Jesus brought to the earth. It is living in spiritual agreement with the Holy Spirit and being intimately connected with the Father. For the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one. As sons of God, we are grafted into this oneness, by the same Spirit.
Oct 10, 2024
In General Discussions
We have this popular statement made by Jesus recorded in John 14:12...."Verily verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall we do also, and greater works than these shall he do. because I go unto my Father." Believers have debated for many years with respect to what are these greater works. many have come up with several theories, but the most popular view is that people feel that reaching more people with the Gospel, more than what Jesus could possibly accomplish is the greater works. There are 8 billion souls in the world and reaching these people with the gospel remains a top priority for most churches. But as we search the Scriptures, it is revealed to us what is the purpose God brought all of creation into being.... look at Ephesians 1:10...."That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth, even in him." Therefore, the ultimate purpose of the Creator is to bring all of creation into one spiritual unity. All things can only be united spiritually, if they exist in the sameness of one spiritual nature. The only way this is possible is if all things are gathered together in the Son of God. As this occurs, all things that subject their lives to Christ is conformed into His spiritual nature, so that all will come together by the same nature, in the Spirit. Therefore, all those who receive the Spirit of the Son and this revelation is planted in their hearts, they are commissioned to take the gospel of the kingdom to the ends of the earth, so that those souls who believe in Jesus Christ will be joined together in one united body. This body is the body of Christ because one union of perfection is formed with the Son of God as the Head of the body and sons of God being knitted into the Head, spiritual, thus forming one united whole. This is the greater works that Jesus talked about. it is going into all the world with the good news that we can be converted into sons of God, just like Jesus, the Son of God. This makes all of those who are converted to exist in the same nature as Christ. This is the will of God who desire to have a relationship with man in a Father/son intimacy. This is a global work that involves every nation of people hearing the word of sonship and therefore this is the greater works. It can only be accomplished by the Holy Spirit who was sent to complete the redemptive work of Jesus. So, this is the greater works because Jesus in His flesh body had to usher in the Holy Spirit who has no hindrance of a human body and therefore could live in the hearts of men to lead and empower the sons of God to go into all the world.
Apr 29, 2024
In General Discussions
There is a big difference between a churchgoer and a son of God...look at the difference with this scripture..."Luke 2;48-50..."And when they saw him, they were amazed: and his mother said unto him, Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us? behold, thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing. And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business? And they understood not the saying which he spoke unto them." The difference between Jesus and His parents is they came to the festival in Jerusalem, as a ritual to fulfill their responsibilities, according to Moses law. But Jesus had a greater purpose. He understood that it is not only about attending church services, but it is to fulfill a Godly purpose. A churchgoer attends service as a means to an end. A son of God knows that he or she is called to a higher purpose that sends him or her to the world. When God said.."Let there be light." it was to counter the darkness that covered the deep. When Jesus came to the earth, as the light of men, He not only came for the Jews, He came for all men. Therefore, the son of God knows that his or her calling to let the light of God shine wherever they go. The light must not only shine in church but in the outer world where darkness still resides in the hearts of men. Many people love to hide behind the four walls of their assemblies, where they can just occupy a chair until Jesus returns. Even if they go out to evangelize, they do it not as light but to represent their denomination. But the son of God lives with one purpose in mind and that is to fulfill his or her role as custodians of the entire earth, in accordance with the first ever covenant in Genesis 1:26. In the image of the Creator, we are called to represent the light of God to the world. Church is essential but we are not called to live there. If light is to be perfected, then all darkness must be eliminated. Unless we feel that darkness exists in church, we must go to the darkness of the world. We must target the hearts of men for there is where gross darkness resides..."Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you thee. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee. and his glory shall be seen upon thee..Isaiah 60:1-2.
Apr 28, 2024
In General Discussions
The scripture states..."No man has seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him." JOHN 1:18. It has always been in the mind of the Creator, Almighty God, to have a closeness with mankind, based on an unbreakable and intimate relationship. It was never God's intention to maintain a long distance from His creation, whereby man would not only be ignorant of the nature of God but to be so afraid of God that man would create religions to try and understand God from his own understanding. so that when Jesus came to the world of men, He found men who were dedicated to maintaining their own systems of belief but having no intimacy with God. Jesus, the Son of God came to initiate a transformation in our hearts and minds so that we would also relate to God, as Father...just like Jesus. in order for this to happen, man must go through a born-again process whereby his carnal nature would no longer control his life, but man would become partakers of a divine nature. Man would be transformed into being sons of God, in a Christ-like nature, in which we are now born of God. In this way, God could now relate to man because the nature would be the same. Man would now be able to cry ABBA FATHER, and God can now declare that we are His sons and daughters. God can now reveal His nature to man as He draws them closer to Him, and man would live in the Body of Christ which gives him a connection to the Creator. This connection would be a oneness with God, for all times. As Father, God becomes more relatable for man. There will be no fear as occurred in times past because our carnal nature was enmity against the Spirit of God. So, Jesus' sacrifice, at Calvary was the process by which man could be reconciled to God, as in a Father/son bonding. Jesus was the One who came and declared God, as Father, not only for Himself, but for every man who surrendered their lives to the only Begotten Son. So that when Almighty God looks at our hearts, He would see the heart of His Son and would cover us under His wings, according to His Fatherhood nature. No man would be able to approach Him with boldness and full confidence, if he is not a son. Therefore, man would no longer have to depend on head knowledge derived from his own religious teachings, but will "know" God, as Father from the experience of living in the shared divine nature given to us by the Spirit of the Son. We would experience ABBA, because we are now born out of Him.
Apr 27, 2024
In General Discussions
As we are recreated in His image and character, we are grafted in His light...we live in Him. The Source of the light that Matthew wrote about is the life of the Son of God and as we live in the Son of God, we too become light making us sons of God, on the earth... the following scriptures explains it further... John 17:22-23 (KJV) "And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them, that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one: and that the world may know that thou hast sent me and hast loved me.".... Hebrews 2:10 (KJV) "For it became him, for whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings." We receive the glory or the light of the Son of God as He shares it with all those who surrender their lives to Christ. This all means one thing, as this divine light is in the sons of God, we are able to have an effect on all life on earth, in a way that nothing else can. We have the authority to pull down every stronghold and dismantle every structure the forces of darkness have set up in the souls of men. The light is Spirit that overcomes every spirit of darkness that puts man in spiritual and emotional bondage. This is why we are the light of the world because by our good works, we cancel every plan of the enemy for the enslavement of man. So, the good works are the prayers, the worship and praise, the spoken word of God in the mouths of the sons of God and the acts of love and kindness as directed by the light. Since there is nothing on earth with this kind of power, then these good works glorify the Father, as the Source of all goodness, love, and grace. His name is glorified, as men receive the good works, and many will look up to heaven for salvation and not to the world.
Apr 27, 2024
In General Discussions
It is written that the people of God are the light of the world...
MATTHEW 5:14-16 (KJV) "Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candle stick, and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father, which is in heaven." The question is, what is this light? What is the source of this light? As we look at the scripture it says that light makes men see good works. Therefore, contrary to popular opinion, light is not the good works. The light is an entity that enlightens men to the reason and power of the good works. What the good works accomplish is that our Father in heaven is glorified, in a way that points men to worship Him, as God. Therefore, the good works must be so unique and distinguished that they point only in one direction...towards a heavenly Source. Thus, the many works of charity that exist in the world cannot be the "good works" because these acts, even though they may bring relief to many people in the world, they only highlight mankind and do not glorify God. men always take credit for what they do, and therefore, these earthly works cannot be what is spoken of in scripture. To understand d the uniqueness of the good works, we must know what the light is. the following scripture points to the Source of the light...John 1:4 "In him was life; and the life was the light of men. Therefore, the light that is spoken of comes from the life of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. This is no ordinary life. It is eternal life that has the power and authority over everything in the world. So, it means one thing, we must surrender our old lives and be reborn to exist in Christ.
Mar 21, 2023
In General Discussions
As David was writing prophetically in his second psalm, when the conspiracy by the earthly powers to keep the Believers divided,was revealed, so too the plan God had always engineered to unite the Church was also given..."Yet have I set my King upon my holy hill of Zion. I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee". Psalm 2:6-7. This the divine decree had gone forth in which Zion or the Church will be one Body created by uniting it's Head...the Son of God with the sons of God on the earth. In this way, unity is assured spiritually, as the Spirit of the Son is the same Spirit who begets the sons of God. Therefore the divisive religious denominations used by the earthly conspirators is circumvented by the superiority of Spirit, over all things. The Gathering of the Brethren then, is perfectly achieved by God, the Father, creating One Perfect Son..the Body of Christ. In this Body there can only be sons, no christians with their differing ideologies and differences in spirit. No pentecostals or Anglicans or Evangelicals fighting against Roman Catholics..but only sins being knitted together into one global "Brotherhood". Even this globalization is prophesied by David in verse 8..."Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. This is the divine mandate for the sons of God to forth into all the world so that other sons can be drafted into the one Body of Christ, by the same Spirit. Therefore the Church is really one Church with many branches spread to every nation of the earth. It is not as religions has caused to happen with several congregations trying to survive on their own. This separation was what the earthly rulers longed to happen, as this disunity can never bring Believers into one Brotherhood. And therefore the Father must be well pleased everytime a son of man is converted into a son of God because in this way, the Body of Christ will grow and advance to the perfection of the Perfect Son.
Mar 08, 2023
In General Discussions
Very few people know about the pact that was made, by the earthly leaders, in an attempt to keep the Believers of Christ, divided and the formation of the united Body of Christ stalled, for as long as possible. But this conspiracy was long prophesied by David in his second psalm..."The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us"...Psalm 2:2-3. The rulers of the earth had seen the power exhibited by the Church, when it was united, in the first century. Thousands were being set free from the bondage and control of the ruling earthly class and the Believers of Jesus Christ had no fear or dependency on Rome, at the time. So the decision was made -- relocate the Church from Jerusalem to Rome; assassinate all of the sons of God and in three hundred years, change the spirit and doctrine of Jesus and make it into a religious phenomena. Then the Caesars and Emperors of Rome would endorse this new religion, as the official religion of the Empire. Then, in the 16th century, Martin Luther and other Reformers, would create break away religions from roman control and from thence the Church would no longer be one united whole, but several religions, throughout the world. The result, is what the rulers conspired to do..."break the band of unity of the Church asunder". Even today, the church is more divided along doctrinal lines..Christianity has been fully endorsed by each State because no unity could be accomplished by christians, as each denomination fight for supremacy. As a consequence, the church exist as several congregations scattered throughout the world, with no connection to each other. In one community, there could be many christian churches but they cannot come together to fight the "gates of hell", as an effective unified force. But what the earthly rulers did was all in vain, as we will see in part eight.
Mar 06, 2023
In General Discussions
When Jesus said, "I and my Father are one."..John 10:30, Jesus was saying that no matter what are the circumstances, no matter the environment, He and His Father are inseparable. The Father is in heaven and the Son of God put on flesh and came to the earth. But not even this disparity between the spiritual and the earthly could bring any separation between Father and Son...Their oneness is based on having the same spiritual nature and therefore this unity can never be broken by anything of the physical, because the Spirit is greater than the flesh. Now, when we are born of God and become His sons, we too put on this spiritual nature that must connect each son of God into one. So that it becomes inevitable that the sons of God must be gathered into one Body. It is impossible for the sons of God to live and exist as divided individuals with a self-centered way of life. This is why the Body of Christ is a global one, which brings people from all nations, ethnicity, and traditional earthly cultures into a sameness which is created by having the same Spirit infused throughout the Body. If a son of God meets another sin if God for the first time, there will be a tendency to connect to each other, and this connection has nothing to do with educational, financial or social standings. It is an internal connection that binds the same Spirit into One. How can the Spirit of truth be ever divided?. So as the Father and the Son are one, then all of the sons of God will be united as one. And this will manifest into the formation of the Body of Christ. ONE BODY, ONE SPIRIT, ONE Father and ONE PERFECT SON. nothing of this world can ever prevent this unity from will happen supernaturally natural and naturally spiritual. Now contract this with the development of the Christian church, over the it united and inseparable? the christians love each other as brethren?..we will.look at this in part seven.
Mar 06, 2023
In General Discussions
As we have seen, the Brethren can only come together in the Spirit, if they all exist in the same Spirit. It is impossible for two or more entities to be united if there spiritual natures are totally different; so therefore the gathering of the brethren into the Body of Christ cannot be made up of Christians. Christianity is too divided because each denomination carries its own "spirit" we have a Pentecostal spirit, which is different to roman Catholic spirit, and still, the Adventist spirit comes no where near to the pentecostal or roman Catholic....can you imagine what kind of Body would be formed if the "toes" of the Body were Jehovah's witnesses? Or the fingers were Anglicans? Or the chest was Baptists?...this Body could never exist as there will be constant quarrels as to who should lead and which direction to take. And which of these christian sects will take instructions from the Head of the Body..the Son of God, as none of them cannot be intimately united with the Spirit of the Son? This is why Almighty God has been building a Body for His Son, over the centuries, made up only with the sons of God..this is why Jesus came to convert sons of men into sons of God..."For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings."...Hebrews 2:10. And as the sons of God are transformed and continue to live and exist in this same sonship Spirit, like Jesus...we are all "brethren", with Him.."For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one, for which cause he is not ashamed to them brethren"..Hebrews 2:11. Therefore the gathering of the Brethren is a oneness between the Son of God, Jesus Christ and the sons of God, on the earth. Look out for part six.
Mar 03, 2023
In General Discussions
The question that many have asked, over the centuries, is, why does the unity between God and man depend solely on us being IN CHRIST?..Many will point to Jesus' sacrifice on Calvary and say this paves the way for mankind to have the ability to get close to God, and it certainly does, as Jesus' death and resurrection certainly secures mankind's salvation, sanctification and justification. But there is certainly more for us to understand. The Son of God is the perfect Reconciler for man to be intimately connected with God because as Jesus said it.."All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father, neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whosoever the Son will reveal him." Matthew 11:27. Now here it is Jesus is speaking spiritually, therefore when He said, "to know", the Son of God is referring to having an intimate experience with the is not head knowledge. It is being spiritually knitted into the nature of Divinity. So, in this respect it is only the Father and the Son who exist in this spiritual union. So it means it is only the Father and the Son who know each man can ever know, in this intimate way either Father or Son. But when Jesus said, the Father must be revealed by the means for any chance man can come into this Father and Son oneness, he must surrender his life to the Son and allow the Spirit of the Son to control all his heart, mind and soul. And this is what it means to be In Christ. It is a situation where the Spirit of Christ must take over our souls and thus we can then be transformed into the nature of the Son of God. This is why we become sons of God, and therefore, as we are In Christ, we can have fellowship with the we will have the same spiritual nature as Father and Son. It is for this reason everything must be gathered "In Christ". All of creation must exist in the spirit of the Son in order to be united with the Father. So as the Father only "knows" the Son, He will "know" us as we will be sons of God because we live in the Son. Look out for part five.
Mar 02, 2023
In General Discussions
Out of the love that Almighty God is, it was never His desire or purpose to have His creation separated from Him, spiritually...and therefore this was why man was created in the image of Divinity, so that the spirit within man can always have the capacity to be united with a spiritual God...the problem is, man has not lived in this Godly image and through his carnal nature, man cannot be united with God. There is no way that God who is absolute Spirit, in all forms and fashion, can ever be in "one" with carnal man. This is why God had been preparing a Body for His Son..."Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me."..Hebrews 10:5...who is it that spoke those words?..who is the one who cometh into the world?..It is the Son of God, who is the Spirit from the beginning and who is the One who put on flesh (John 1:14). Now if Jesus is the Son of God, then in order for Him to have a Body, made up of men, then those men must be sons of God, in the same Spirit as the Christ. So that this Body will truly be ONE, as one Spirit will exist from the Head to the Toes. Therefore this perfection of oneness can only be accomplished in the Body of Christ..with Christ, the Son of God as the Head and the sons of God, as the Body. So united in oneness is this Body that is being prepared that the writer of Ephesians made reference of it by saying.."the perfect man"... Ephesians 4:14...And to prophesy of the purpose of His heart, God spoke to Moses to tell pharaoh...""Let my son go"..Exodus 4:22..God did not say sons, He said the singular, because God was signifying how He sees all of His children being gathered into One Body, so perfect in unity, that it becomes ONE PERFECT SON. just like Father, Son and Holy Ghost, God wanted His children to exist in the Spirit of love and perfect unity. But why should the Son be the ahead of this Body of oneness?...we will look at why, in part four.
Feb 28, 2023
In General Discussions
Every act of war, aggression and open conflict, in the history of mankind has come about due to religion, racial issues, political and economic differences and in general, the xenophobic mentality of man. Therefore when Almighty God was developing His process to bring man into Oneness, He would not employ any of these facets of carnality, especially religion and more specifically, Christianity. Every element that came from the carnal nature of man, cannot be used to form any real spiritual unity, because the very spirit of man's carnal nature is divisive and self serving. And this is why God the Father sent his Son, to reconcile mankind to his Creator. This was made possible because of the transformation process as stated in John 1:12.."But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe in his name" that our internal nature is changed from the carnal to the divine nature of the Son of God...and this is what the writer of the book of Hebrews was revealing to us...For it became him, for whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings"...Hebrews the glory of the Son of God is shared with all those who give their lives to Him, and this is possible because He gives us His nature, through the power of the Holy Spirit. And what this all means is the sons of men can be knitted into the spiritual unity through the shared divine nature. What brings spiritual unity is if two entities can exist in the same nature and this is why the Son came into the earth to share His nature with us. This is why we become sons of God..not as a religious title, like "christian", but as an internal born again transformation. Now if the sons of God are united with the son of God by nature, then they themselves will be united as one Body. In the next part, we will look at the unity of the Body of Christ.
Feb 27, 2023
In General Discussions
When the declaration was made in heaven, at the beginning..."AND GOD SAID, LET US MAKE MAN IN OUR IMAGE, AFTER OUR LIKENESS...Genesis 1:26a, two very important words to look at are..."US" and "OUR". This shows the oneness and sameness that always existed between FATHER, SON AND HOLY SPIRIT.'s impossible for the three to be separated. As Jesus put it, "I and the Father are one", John 10:30, and also, "But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you, from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me."..John 15:26. It means Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one because they are of the same nature and exist in a way where three becomes one. So that if this unity exist in heaven, then if man should function in the image of his Creator, then ould not be any separation among mankind. If there exist any separation based on spiritual disunity, then we are not functioning in the image of God. So that this is why Paul wrote..."That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in One all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth, even in him" Ephesians 1:10. So therefore it has always been the desire of God for all of His creation to be gathered together or united in spirit, so that no animosity, bitterness, anger or alienation would exist among creation. All must exist in the same Spirit..for it is the Spirit that determines our nature and our character by which we live. How would God accomplish this when man has been so divided by race, skin colour, religious belief, earthly customs and traditions? Paul reveals the answer when he said, "IN CHRIST". God,the Father has pre-determined that all things must be gathered in His Son. And this is why the Son of God put on flesh and came on the earth as Jesus Christ. In part two we will see why perfect unity can only exist in the Son.
Feb 22, 2023
In General Discussions
Jesus taught,"Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God."...Matthew 5:8. And with this statement by Jesus, we get a clear understanding how a son of God lives while surrounding by darkness. A pure heart means that the son has submitted his heart to the Spirit, by which the Spirit does a spiritual purge and eliminates all the iniquities that have a tendency to hide in the human heart...unforgiveness, bitterness, hatred, animosity, deception..etc...therefore the son of God operates from a heart which has been transformed into the righteous nature of the Spirit. With this transformation, every thought and action of the son of God is motivated to uphold the holy name of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. In all his dealings, in the workplace, at home and everywhere, there is no tendency to deceive Jesus said, "But let your communication be Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil."..Matthew 5:37. On a practical level, if you are a business man, you always make honest deals, even if it means getting less a court room judge, you always dispense justice fairly and impartially, without regard for the economic and social standings of people before you. This is the life of the son of God, he is always guided by a pure spiritual heart under the control of the Holy Spirit. His motives are never self-righteous but always to bring all honour and glory to God, in all circumstances. With a pure heart, everything is about the business of the kingdom of God advancing on the earth and thus his biggest concern is the deliverance of souls from darkness. The son of God sacrifices his entire life---his own needs and wants for souls coming into a relationship in Christ...nothing else matters. And because this Christ-like spirit, the son of God will "see" God..or will be one with His Heavenly Father and intimately knitted by the Spirit into the Body of Christ, so that the son of God will "know" his Father, through his transformed spiritual nature...this all means that the son of God will live and exist in the image and the likeness of Divinity, even when he is in the midst of the darkness of this world. The evil spirit of this world cannot penetrate into his heart, as it has been submitted to be the eternal property of Almighty God. In our next study, we will look at, "THE GATHERING OF THE BRETHREN"..stay tuned.
Feb 22, 2023
In General Discussions
Living as a son of God has practical applications because it is the way you conduct your life whilst living among darkness. It is not a means to shine in a church service only, but it is how you conduct yourself when you are among ungodly neighbours and unruly co-workers. Your heart and your mind must be so transformed that nothing of this world must have a pull on your affections. You must be able to live in external darkness but that darkness must never be found in you. The key is the born again must submit all of your lives to the Spirit and allow Him to guide you always..everywhere and under every circumstance. Once you accept Christ in your life, you now have the power to continue in that submission. Make no mistake, darkness will always come against you, the flesh will always seek to entice you. But, if you continue to live in Christ, then you do not join with your co-workers when they are indulging in carnal activities. In fact you will be strong enough to lead them to Christ. You have the power to make a difference wherever you go, because you have made the decision to set your heart on the Spirit...once you decide to give up your life to the Spirit of the Son, then you will always have the passion to live differently to the worldly ways..Jesus put it this way.."But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."..Matthew 6:33. The key is..always allow the Spirit to take over your heart. So in this way, your desires, your affections, your motives, your attitude will always be towards heaven, even though you live on the earth. Even though you have to eat and to provide for your physical needs, you never allow those needs to override the passion of your spirit for the things of God. Then, as a son of God you can shine as heavenly light and cause changes in the darkness around you. It becomes you affecting change, by the power of the Holy Spirit, rather than darkness affecting you. It us in the world, where your sonship must be seen and felt by those around you..more than how spiritual you may look in church. The key is what Jesus said,"And he said to them all, any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it..Luke 9:23-24. If ever you love your life too much so that you cannot part with it, then you cannot be a son of God because you will give in to darkness to satisfy your flesh. You must submit to the power that comes from living in Christ to break the pride of life. Then living as a son of God becomes a day to day lifestyle of light and of Spirit. More in part three.
Feb 21, 2023
In General Discussions
In all the earth, there is nothing quite like living as a son of God. Nothing else compares. When Peter made mention of "a chosen generation; a royal priesthood; a holy nation; a peculiar people", (1Peter 2:9), this was specifically referring to sons of God, only. Being a son of God is the only position any man can attain to in order to truly represent Almighty God, on the earth. When the Creator said, "Let us make man, in our image and in our likeness...", He was envisioning having sons on the earth. So that a son of God is not a religious personality. A son of God is not a church service phenomenon but he is a unique creation of the Spirit who is naturally spiritual and spiritually natural. What does this mean? It means a son of God automatically thinks spiritual. It means that a son of God walks in the Spirit, as a way of life, without even thinking about it. He does not have to attend a church service to get into the spirit, but he never comes out of the Spirit, whether he is in work, travelling, or even doing casual chores, at home. Paul put it this way..."For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God."..Roman 8:14...Now this statement must not be taken be led by the Spirit means you have to surrender all of your life to the control of the spirit, especially in circumstances where your own nd would not comprehend how the Spirit operates. It means going against the habit we have had all of our lives, of exercising natural logic and common sense, in every situation. But with the Spirit, we must have the humility to give up our minds and hearts to allow the Spirit to direct us in every situation we face, on a daily basis. Being led by the Spirit, our minds are taken to a level of understanding that is beyond the human experience. With our hearts being led, a transformation takes place that erases the iniquitous elements of pride, lust and bitterness and unforgiveness. The Spirit allows the son of God to exist beyond the natural boundaries of earthly existence. In part two, we will look at the day to day life of a son of God, from a practical point of view.
Feb 18, 2023
In General Discussions
It was always the purpose of God to have an intimate relationship with His creation. God never intended to be distant from what He created. As all things were created by the WORD, all of creation would be immersed in the Spirit and therefore would come under a divine connectivity. With man, God breathed His spiritual breath into dust, (Genesis 2:7) and in that same way, man would exist in the spiritual image of His Creator (Genesis 1:26). What God intended was to have His "sons" represent Him on the earth, and this is why man was given an external earthly body but with a spirit within so that he can walk and talk always have connection to a Spiritual God. God always wanted to be Father to man, whereby both Creator and creation would share in the same spiritual nature. And this is why being a son of God is our real gives us an eternal unity with ABBA, FATHER. But because of Adam's disobedience, whereby man came to live under the control of the carnal nature and not the Spirit within, man lost that direct connection to the Spirit. With that position of self control, man lived by his feelings, logic and his understanding. Even with his relationship with God, man utilized his view of how God should be related to. And this is why being a Christian is wrong, because it falls within this Adamic legacy of trying to be spiritual through our own might and power. So therefore, being a Christian cuts you off from the true spiritual intimacy that only comes from being a son of God. And this is the connection between God and man, it s a spiritual intimacy, where man is forever knitted into the nature of God and thus we cry, ABBA, FATHER from within.. Galatians 4:6...our next study will be "What it means to live as a son of God, daily."
Feb 18, 2023
In General Discussions
When the word of God makes any reference to "in Jesus name", it is referring to His character and nature and therefore when the 1st century Jews made reference to "Christos", to describe the lives of the Believers, it was pointing to the fact that their lifestyles was in the same spiritual nature as Christ and therefore "Christos" means living in the spirit of the Son of God. So too, the term "Messianic" described walking in the spirit of the Son of that when Paul, Peter, John and all of the Church referred to themselves as sons of God, they knew that the Holy Spirit had transformed their inner nature to be like Christ...their existence was now In Christ, to the point where, people on the outside saw no difference in the way they lived and the way Christ lived...but when in 1611, "christian" came into being, it not only replaced "son of God", it changed the spirit by which the believers conducted their lives. Why?..because "christian" was modelled after the Roman Church which was the dominant church, at the time. The beliefs and concepts of this Roman Church had taken a different direction to what was taught and practiced by Jesus and the Apostles in Jerusalem. The paradigm had shifted and therefore a new religion had emerged, and even though the Romans still used Jesus Christ as the head of their earth-based beliefs, the spirit of this movement was no longer "Messianic" or "Christos". Many of the pagan practises were fused into what came out from Jerusalem and thus the kingdom ideal of Christ was replaced with a Roman way of life. And thus ithis s the tragedy of has developed over the years in a totally different spirit to that of the sonship Spirit of Christ. Even though christians use the same Bible and use the name of Jesus Christ, a christian does not live in the true intimacy with the Spirit, as does a son of God. We will go into more indepth in part four.
Feb 16, 2023
In General Discussions
It is written, "Beloved, now are we the sons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is...1 John 3:2..but despite this word, which further reveals that being a son of God comes from a change in our internal spiritual nature (as he is). The believers have ccept the label that comes from, the world..the word Christian has become such an integral part of worldly society, that many believe that being a son of God and a Christian have the same meaning. But as we go into the word of God, it would become clear that this comparison has been a conspiracy to rob us of the power that comes from being in Christ...the word Christian appears three times in the New Testament...Acts 11:26; Acts 26: 28 and 1Peter 4:16. It must be understood that in these instances, Christian was not the word used by the 1st Century Jews, the word only came into existence in 1611, when King James changed the language of the Bible into English. The word used by Peter and Dr. Luke was "Christos" and the word used in the Jewish tongue was "Messianic" we can check this when we look at the Complete Jewish Bible..."But if anyone suffers for being Messianic let him not be ashamed, but let him bring glory to God by the way he bears this name..1 Peter 4:16 CJB. Take note in the Jewish version Messianic is referred to the name of Christ..which means the spirit and the character by which the Messiah lived and had His being. So that Messianic is a true reflection of the Spirit of Christ. But this all changed when Christian was inserted in the place what it meant to live as a Son of God. We will explore this change in Part Three.
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