it is recorded in Psalm 2, in verses 2 and 3 .... "The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us." This has always been the main weapon used by the devil to attack the people of God. It is to keep the Church divided, spiritually, so that the power and authority that comes by spiritual agreement would not be achieved by the Church. The enemy achieves this by enticing the leaders of the world to officially endorse religion as a legitimate form of worshipping God. Therefore, the Democracies of the world encourage the practice of religion of the citizens" choice. So that in each country there exist several religions and many churches established so that people can be free to worship as they please. But then how can the church be in unity if there are different beliefs and teachings that are opposed to each other? God as ordained the existence of One Church, but religion has created the existence of several Churches. The problem is, with differences in beliefs, several "spirits" become influential in the lives of the Believers. Hence, there cannot be any spiritual agreement among the people of God. So, with no spiritual agreement, the church cannot operate in the power and authority it was ordained to exist by. It is evident this was the reason why the first century church was so successful and powerful. At that time, there were no religions to divide the church. The Believers at that time believed that they were sons of God. They believed that they were shaped into the image of Jesus Christ, as they surrendered their lives to Him. In all of the regions the believers took this gospel, all of the followers lived as sons of God. Therefore, the only spirit that dominated the church was the spirit of sonship. this was the nature and character of Jeus, the Son of God. There was spiritual agreement in the unified church of the first century. Now, today, the enemy had managed to infiltrate the minds of the churchgoers so that there are as many beliefs as there are believers. Therefore, the church has been placed in a weakened position where no spiritual agreement can bring us together, But God is going to gather His people to form one body of Christ and therefore, a return of the spirit of sonship would knit the believers into oneness by the same Spirit which was in charge in the first century. Being a son of God would have the same meaning as Jesus brought to the earth. It is living in spiritual agreement with the Holy Spirit and being intimately connected with the Father. For the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one. As sons of God, we are grafted into this oneness, by the same Spirit.
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