"Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you. Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin"
John 8:34
By his very nature, humanity exists in a constant state of mental and spiritual bondage. A condition that has resulted in a life of condemnation and has manifested in an existence full of doubt, fear and intimidation. No race, no culture, not a single human being has been able to overcome this state of enslavement, because it emanates and originates from the carnal nature which has defined and dictated the actions, thoughts and emotions of mankind from the beginning of time.
By his very nature, mankind cannot escape the capacity to commit evil and therefore has become a slave to this propensity to live against and to oppose the supernatural law of Godliness. As much as he has tried, through education; the pursuit of philosophical thought; and the acquisition of material wealth, no human has been able to escape the insatiable appetite of the 'flesh' to appease itself. Humanity is not free to live in accordance with the law of the Creator and has no choice but to succumb to the banal attitude that hates, loves only itself, is selfish and destroys everything that opposes its right to be itself. Thus, mankind, in general, lives against the ways of righteousness because he cannot live otherwise.
But there is a God who created man and created him to exist in the image and likeness of Himself. So would God leave man in this godless state, waiting for man to get it right ? This is what religion teaches and practices. But this is not the way of the Father who has never abandoned His greatest creation and has always been in control, throughout all of history, by executing a development that would take mankind from the enslavement of sin to the perfection and freedom of God-likeness.
The Father offered His Son, Jesus Christ, as a Sin Offering for mankind's sinful condition because the Son and the Father are ONE. The Son is the very expression and fullness of Divinity. The Son and the Father are of the same nature. The Son is the Word of Divinity, made manifest in the flesh but not of the flesh, so that whosoever give their lives, as a sacrifice, through faith, would be transformed, In Christ, by the the power of the Spirit. This all means that your humanist nature would be changed to that of Divinity. You become, through a born-again process, just as the Son, in spirit. You are transformed into a son of God.
In this way, you are now free from the law of sin and therefore you cannot sin because the nature to sin is no longer within you. You are now a spirit being and not a human being. You are still encased in a physical body but the carnal nature can have no hold over you, this time. You are now under the subjection of the law of the Spirit, not unwillingly or burdensome but now you are subjected to the Law of Life, as the will of the Creator, commands.
This is what the Son of God offers, total and absolute freedom from all spiritual, emotion and mental condemnation...you, as a son of God, are not alienated from Divinity and therefore the enslavement, entrapment, guilt and hopelessness that results from separation from God, no longer exist. You are now free to live, as God the Father lives, with no boundaries, and burdens. You live above the limitations of time and space. You are now an eternal being.
It can only happen in the Son of God because it is only the Son who is the image of the Father. As you now exist in the Son, you assume the Truth and become a limitless being, for all eternity.
JOHN 8:32