At the age of twelve years, Jesus made a statement that would come to define His stay on this earth and at the same time it would bring bewilderment to many, even up to this day. "And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?"....Luke 2:49. This would be a prophetic statement because at that tender age, it would signal the coming of the kingdom of God on the earth, the entire purpose for creation and the role man was preordained to fulfill. It was a statement that was loaded with divine purpose, intimacy and direction and set a paradigm for the functioning of the sons of God on the earth. This purpose, intimacy and direction has been shrouded by the darkness of religion for two thousand years but now, in this season, the light of the Son is about to bring forth wisdom and enlightenment, as never before. The fulfillment of a twelve year old young man is now about to be fully manifested, before the entire host of angels and witnessed by universal creation. Before we venture into what is the Father's business, it is noteworthy to analyze Jesus' saying...
1/ "MY"
This denotes something greater than intimacy. Its more like a belonging to. It infers a coming out of and operating no different to the original Source. Jesus, eighteen years later would clarify by saying "I and my Father are one"...John 10;30...It means the Father and the Son are of the same nature, and therefore "their" actions are really the same, Its impossible for any contradiction to exist. There can be no separation at any time.
This denotes Source. It would mean its impossible to have independent thought or action. Doing or saying anything automatically comes from the Original. The Father is the Original and therefore all things proceeded out of the Father. It would mean the Father sets the motive and spirit for all existence. It follows that even though the Father and the Son are supernaturally and automatically connected, the Father is above all things.."Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again to you, if ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, i go unto the Father; for my Father is greater than I"...John 14: 28.
This denotes not only purpose but a development by which purpose is achieved. It is a progression leading up to a preordained end. Jesus's entire stay on earth was fueled by the development leading up to the fulfillment of His purpose. Jesus dotted every I and crossed every T. He never allowed any side issue to sidetrack His forward movement. He hinted this to John, the baptizer, in the Jordan river..Matthew 3:13-15....Church goers today have lost this sense of urgency and thoroughness. Today, a generalization of John 3;16 is sufficed and substituted for personal directive. The understanding of specific purpose is lost and the process by which it unfolds is completely unknown.
So what is the Father's business ?
Creator and creation must be in synchronization. The Creator infuses his spirit into his invention. The materialization is a result of his inner thoughts, ideas and vision. As with all existence, Almighty God, "saw" the goodness of the end product of His creation...Genesis 1;31....In order to bring about this perfection, he formed man, in his image and likeness and gave him the responsibility, by his very nature, to groom and develop the earth...Genesis 1;26..Now this man, as a son of God is about to come into his destiny, taking his place in the body of the SON. But it has been a journey. A development that started with Abraham, and continued through Abraham's direct seed, the Patriarchs, and grew into the nation of Israel. At the appointed time, The Son of God, Jesus came because the Father so ordained that everything must revolve around the SON...all of creation...Colossians 1: 15-17...And this is the Father's business. What mankind generally regards as human history is a divinely orchestrated advancement leading up to the sanctification of man by by the adoption as sons of God and aptly fitting into the one body of Christ...The Christ as the head and the sons of God forming the body...Colossians 1: 18...thus one perfect SON is formed. It has been one stage following and developing from a previous stage...
Abraham>>>>The Patriarchs>>>The nation of Israel>>>The Christ>>>sons of God>>>SON
This is the advancement. This is the Father's business. It could not have happened by omitting any of the stages. All served their purpose. Now that perfection through the SON is about to be revealed, creation can now rest as it functions according to divine presence and spirit...Romans 8:19-22...this is what the Father foresaw in the beginning, His kingdom will impacting upon the earth, whereby Creator and creation are in complete fellowship...It is very good..Revelations chapts. 21 and 22.